Friday, December 10, 2010

One down, four to go...

So I'm sitting this on night two (out of five) of single parenting. Let me set the scene for you... it's 8:40pm, I'm in baby base camp (what I now call our two living room couches, as they are cluttered with baby gear (hats,blankets, baby books, pacies, and burp cloths), and half-finished projects (my half-finished Christmas cards, a half eaten salad, a half a glass of wine, "half" of my camera - I'm attempting to finally charge it and download pics, a half pint of blueberries from day time snack, half-wrapped Christmas presents, and a half-written paper. Maybe I should have entitled this blog "halvies." All I know it is a good day if I finished half of what I set out to do: half of dinner, half of the laundry, even half a shower!

But we're doing well, we're rockin out. Girlfriend is upstairs slowly falling asleep, eyes half mast, and I'm trying not to stalk her (too much) on the video monitor. Wow what an invention! It was expensive, and it's a little much, but oh the peace of mind it offers! I like how it has a sound bar; so if you don't have the sound on, it gives you a visual warning of your baby crying - literally turns red like "DANGER DANGER!" So yes, my eight-week old is on video surveillance.

So we're trucking away at it, growing older, that is, while Daddy is at a conference in NYC. We miss him, he misses us, but we're getting along. I am tired though! Like a bone tired that I suspect only new moms and maybe first-year residents experience... like even if I got 8 hours of straight sleep (would be amazing!) it would take a number of those before I could fully recover from the sleep deprivation I now feel. It's like burned into my forehead, eyes, neck and shoulders.

So I guess I should sign off and go to bed!


  1. Erin, you are doing such a great job! I love reading your blog and keeping up with you and baby Grace. She is lucky to have such amazing parents.

  2. Thanks for chatting yesterday! Just remember...everything with babies is a phase...some fun, some not, but ALL are short-lived and then they grow and change and something new happens. I wish I could fly out to help you out a little...just know that you can call anytime:)
