Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My baby daddy came home!

That was, essentially, my facebook status update today. How ridiculous, right? But yes, it's true, M came home today and yin and yang are back in balance. What's even more wonderful, is that I managed to take a 90 minute nap! The exhaustion struck hard when M came through the front door, and so I napped, and napped, and napped some more! I then had what I call a nap hangover (which is why I don't normally nap), but I took a walk around our freezing cold pond and woke up again. Then, and this is the best part, I went to a yoga class... by myself! Best class I ever took, too; I just relished every muscle burn and difficult pose. It was such a treat.

So of course having a baby changes everything... that's complete common knowledge. But what I didn't expect was that having a baby actually changes you, as in your essence: your thoughts, your feelings, your goals, your interests... and to take the easy road, I'll just take on that last bit. It changes how you want to spend your time, who with, the places you go, even the food you eat. If there was any indecision before, it's gone, replaced with a strong sense of intention and an enhanced ability to be efficient. Intention- if I don't go to that party, I won't feel the least bit guilty. Efficiency - I can now cook, eat, clean, and practically tame lions one-handed. Baby-unfriendly places don't even sound good to me; if it's intellectually stimulating, fun in an adult way, or later than 9pm and won't accomodate my stroller, provide me with a changing table, or an easy way to nurse or bottle-feed my baby, forget about it. I don't pine for my pre-baby life either (like I thought I might); I just think, what a nice, fun, and happy-go-lucky time that was! Not a care in the world...

Anyone (perhaps childless but not necesssarily) who reads this and worries that I've warped into one of those parents everyone always fears about, hold your concerns. What I'm really getting at is that I am content; I always knew that I'd love my baby more than anything and love being a mom, but what I didn't know was that I wouldn't pine for the past. Maybe some day I will, but right now I'm satisfied with what I managed to experience before G, and now I'm even more excited to see what little G will experience, whether it be laughing for the first time, sitting up, or gaining head control!

1 comment:

  1. I love to see that you're getting it:) It's SOOO hard to explain to people who don't have kids. Before having kids you can't fathom a life that revolves around anything but you and your spouse...then it changes completely but you're still you...just different...or renewed...or something...and you don't really miss the old you...so weird but so good!
