Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lessons from a Five-Weeker

So perhaps you’ve come across several of these witty, knowing essays or comfort books that view parenthood from hindsight, that remind us all of older adults who with a wink and a nod speak volumes of having been there and done that with a newborn, toddler, and teenager. But now, it’s my turn. These are the most recent things I’ve learned from G:

1. At 3am, the standard footie pajama snaps will have me more perplexed than solving calculus problems.

2. There is a certain natural law to pooping, much like gravity: if I haven’t seen a poop in about 3 diapers, I’m in for a showdown involving at least 3 fresh diapers and 2 changing pads.

3. The dynamics of a five-week old’s facial expression rivals any academy-award winning performance.

4. My five-weeker has made my husband and I closer, on many levels, but partially because we are now battling a force to be reckoned with... in contemplating our next move, I find myself looking at him only to see the same bewildered expression on his face. Plan schman.

5. Five weekers don’t come with a manual, yet I seem to be poring over every baby book we have trying to solve our feed-to-feed mysteries.

6. The grunts, sighs, and gurgles that come out of my five-week olds asleep or awake little body are the coolest sounds I have ever heard.

Okay that’s six, so one for each week and and one to grow on!


  1. Zip up jammies....they come in a three-pack at Target and are the BEST thing ever at 3am:)

    Whoever decided that snaps were good ANYWHERE on baby clothes has obviously never actually raised children.

    You're doing great!!!

  2. Yes! I think I recall, Erika, you guys telling us about the merits of zippers over jammies. Next time I'm at Target I will be leaving with some!

    I do own the HALO zip up swaddle blankets, which are amazing. I have this fleece one that G sleeps in every night. I kinda wish they had an adult version!
