Last night I found myself playing tug of war with my sleepy husband; we were engaged in one of those totally absurd pregnancy moments, the how-to-put-the-”G”-shaped-pregancy-pillowcase-back-on-the-pillow endeavor. After many grunts, giggles, and exasperated sighs, we succeeded, but only after cursing the Snoogle company for such an apparent design flaw... can’t they just put a zipper along the hemline of the pillow? Sometimes I wonder if part of the challenges ubiquitous in baby gear are there simply to remind you of the real challenges that come with parenting. So you can’t figure out how in the world you’re going to assemble that high chair? Wait till you’re on zero-sleep night number 3. Swaddling got you stumped? Wait till your two year-old vomits all over you as you both are stepping out the door, you already 15 minutes late for work. I think Nietzsche is still alive and designing Snoogle pillowcase for this very reason.
Since this episdode is entitled, “Adventures in Pregnancy,” I’ll give you another. Just went to our childbirth education class weekend before last. I arrived expecting to leave anxious, but I couldn’t have been more relaxed upon leaving, if only for one reason: the anxiety level in the participants around us made me feel like a regular octo-mom. Oh the questions that were asked! I suppose it was the demographic: you show me northwest DC, and I’ll show you some over 30 (and up) power-elite mommies-to-be. The questions that came up involved every possible pregnancy hot-topic, most starting with “I’ve done research on...” and “my doula says....” and so on. Of course that space was exactly the space to ask those and any other questions (I’ve heard that you pay to place yourself on a waiting list to pre-reserve a room, is that true? What happens if you have a personality conflict with your L&D nurse? I’ve done research on epidurals, and among the risk factors is that it can literally fry your baby’s brain (last one more of a dare-to-engage than a question). It’s just that I think I learned more about the patient demographics of my hospital in my birth class than I did about birth. It’s all good though; my husband learned about the art of counterpressure, and I got free donuts.
oh...that pillowcase is nothing.
ReplyDeleteWait until the wee one poops up her back all over her car seat (usually when you are on your way someplace important and have failed to bring a change of clothes or at least update the one in the diaper bag to a bigger size...requiring you to either wedge her into the too-small outfit, or strip her naked and wrap her in whatever you can find in the car until you find a walmart or some other classy place...not that I've EVER had to do EITHER of those...but I digress). Not only does it require a degree in engineering to get the car set cover, straps, etc. all undone....make sure you take notes because putting the damn thing back together is even worse. The good thing is that it will happen so often that it should be ingrained in your head pretty quickly. I am a PRO at putting those suckers back together!
Call me any time if you need some direction.
Oh...and make sure you have a change of clothes for yourself:)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Erika, for putting my snoogle challenges in perspective! I am imagining many an impending blowout for sure... ah, the power of poop. :)