OK: so I’ve been back to work for over 6 weeks now, and I have to admit, it’s gotten better. So much has changed! It’s still a little sad to leave G, but more manageable; now the challenge is juggling it all, which is hard, but at least I’m through the emotional turmoil phase... it’s pretty notable, though, that it’s been way over a month since I’ve posted, and I’m posting on a Friday night at 11pm! So things have been hectic but I’m trying to crawling back to my blog. Without wanting to belabor the last month or give any mundane play by play, I will just say that G and I have survived the following (in no particular order of difficulty/ mastery):
1. 2 cross-country flights, one to FL and one to CA, with one red-eye thrown in
2. Daddy in Florida for all of February, minus weekends!
3. G’s first cold, accompanied by our first experiences with being sick as parents
4. A two-day power outage
Let’s leave it that... but needless to say lots of everyday challenges, too.
But it would be remiss to not mention, here, all of the milestones we’ve embraced, too!
1. G squawks like a parrot, coos like a dove, grunts like an old man, and smiles like an angel.
2. She can spin toys on her bouncer, grab my necklace with enough force to leave marks, karate kick me in the stomach, lift her head up during tummy time, and sit up unassisted for a lil bit.
3. G loves reading books; gets excited with each page turn and impatiently grunts if you don’t turn the pages fast enough.
4. G flirts with everybody; her little boyfriends at daycare, her pediatrician, and her daddy.
So it’s been a ride, but a great one!! I’m glad I hung in there at work. It’s hard but worth it.
PS: This picture was taken by my dear friend Gigi McGill, a blossoming photography who takes a mean baby photo.